All you modders can happily rejoice, as Samurai Warriors 4's game save can now be successfully decrypted with Bruteforce Save Data without corruption, thanks to chaoszage's Samurai Warriors 4 Checksum Fixer Tool. If you are unfamiliar with what decrypting a game save does, it essentially destroys the encryption and allows editing of its data. This makes it possible to make all sorts of changes to your game save's data, including of course the modification of weapons.This is pure software without the need of devices such as Game Genie or Cyber Save Editor.So here's basically how you do it:First, you need to have the latest version of Bruteforce Save Data installed. If not, you should at least have updated your cheats repository to the latest database.Second, you'll need chaoszage's Samurai Warriors 4 Checksum Fixer Tool. Without this tool, you will end up with corruption after decrypting and encrypting. You can download it here.Open your Samurai Warriors 4's game save using Bruteforce Save Data, decrypt it, edit the data as you would normally (or apply cheats), run the Checksum Fixer Tool on the game save, then encrypt it with Bruteforce Save Data.Transfer the game save to your PS3 and you should be good to go!Weapon Modification Codes and Skill Values:All 1st Weapon Skills Mod42003884 05050505403c0110 0000000042003888 05050505403c0110 000000004200388c aabbccdd403c0110 0000000042003890 eeffgghh403c0110 0000000042003894 05050505403c0110 0000000042003898 05050505403c0110 000000004200389c 02020202403c0110 00000000420038A0 02020202403c0110 00000000 -samurai-warriors-4/faqs/69237Use link above to refer the skills effectsFill aa,bb,cc,dd,ee,ff,gg,hh with value below:00 Potency01 Range02 Counrage03 Impact04 Fury05 Underdog06 Momentum07 Clarity08 Verity09 Concentration0A Fortitude0B Stability0C Elasticity0D Bravery0E Determination0F Resolve10 Nullification11 Zeal12 Conviction13 Resurrection14 Alacrity15 Blaze16 Shock17 Frost18 Wind19 Diamond1A Reaper1B Rampage1C Impulse1D Awakening1E Cavalry1F Equestrian20 Connoisseur21 Collector22 Hoarder23 Constitution24 Expert25 Endurance26 Paladin27 StimulusModding weapons directly with a hex editor:You could theoretically mod the weapons without using the code above directly via a hex editor, if you require only specific weapons be altered. Again, this process should be identical to Dynasty Warriors 8. Write down your weapon's skills in hex as it appears in order, then use the search function in a hex editor to replace skills. This process has not yet been tested, so there is no guarantee yet of it working.Some other fun codes if you're THAT lazy:Max Gold20007842 000F423FMax Kills2000784A 05F5E0ffAll Gems Max200078BC 63636363200078C0 63636363All Chars Proficiency Max42000C44 14141414403C0044 00000000All 1st Weapon Becomes Rare40003883 00000000403c0110 00000002Notice: This is all specifically for the US/EU versions of Samurai Warriors 4. If you need codes and values for the Japanese version, visit
STORMING OF THE GREAT TEMPLE-SPIRIT OF THE AZTECS-DISTRESSES OF THE GARRISON-SHARP COMBATS IN THE CITY-DEATH OF MONTEZUMAOPPOSITE to the Spanish quarters, at only a few rods' distance,stood the great teocalli of Huitzilopochtli. This pyramidal mound,with the sanctuaries that crowned it, rising altogether to theheight of near a hundred and fifty feet, afforded an elevated positionthat completely commanded the palace of Axayacatl, occupied by theChristians. A body of five or six hundred Mexicans, many of themnobles and warriors of the highest rank, had got possession of theteocalli, whence they discharged such a tempest of arrows on thegarrison, that no one could leave his defences for a moment withoutimminent danger; while the Mexicans, under shelter of the sanctuaries,were entirely covered from the fire of the besieged. It wasobviously necessary to dislodge the enemy, if the Spaniards wouldremain longer in their quarters. Cortes assigned this service to his chamberlain Escobar, givinghim a hundred men for the purpose, with orders to storm theteocalli, and set fire to the sanctuaries. But that officer was thricerepulsed in the attempt, and, after the most desperate efforts, wasobliged to return with considerable loss and without accomplishing hisobject.Cortes, who saw the immediate necessity of carrying the place,determined to lead the storming party himself. He was then sufferingmuch from the wound in his left hand, which had disabled it for thepresent. He made the arm serviceable, however, by fastening hisbuckler to it, and, thus crippled, sallied out at the head of threehundred chosen cavaliers, and several thousand of his auxiliaries.In the courtyard of the temple he found a numerous body of Indiansprepared to dispute his passage. He briskly charged them, but theflat, smooth stones of the pavement were so slippery that the horseslost their footing and many of them fell. Hastily dismounting, theysent back the animals to their quarters, and, renewing the assault,the Spaniards succeeded without much difficulty in dispersing theIndian warriors, and opening a free passage for themselves to theteocalli.Cortes, having cleared a way for the assault, sprang up thelower stairway, followed by Alvarado, Sandoval, Ordaz, and the othergallant cavaliers of his little band, leaving a file of arquebusiersand a strong corps of Indian allies to hold the enemy in check at footof the monument. On the first landing, as well as on the severalgalleries above, and on the summit, the Aztec warriors were drawn upto dispute his passage. From their elevated position they showereddown volleys of lighter missiles, together with heavy stones, beams,and burning rafters, which, thundering along the stairway,overturned the ascending Spaniards, and carried desolation throughtheir ranks. The more fortunate, eluding or springing over theseobstacles, succeeded in gaining the first terrace, where, throwingthemselves on their enemies. they compelled them, after a shortresistance, to fall back. The assailants pressed on, effectuallysupported by a brisk fire of the musketeers from below, which somuch galled the Mexicans in their exposed situation, that they wereglad to take shelter on the broad summit of the teocalli.Cortes and his comrades were close upon their rear, and the twoparties soon found themselves face to face on this aerialbattle-field, engaged in mortal combat in presence of the wholecity, as well as of the troops in the courtyard, who paused, as ifby mutual consent, from their own hostilities, gazing in silentexpectation on the issue of those above. The area, though somewhatsmaller than the base of the teocalli, was large enough to afford afair field of fight for a thousand combatants. It was paved withbroad, flat stones. No impediment occurred over its surface, exceptthe huge sacrificial block, and the temples of stone which rose to theheight of forty feet, at the further extremity of the arena. One ofthese had been consecrated to the Cross; the other was stilloccupied by the Mexican war-god. The Christian and the Aztec contendedfor their religions under the very shadow of their respective shrines;while the Indian priests, running to and fro, with their hair wildlystreaming over their sable mantles, seemed hovering in mid air, likeso many demons of darkness urging on the work of slaughter!The parties closed with the desperate fury of men who had nohope but in victory. Quarter was neither asked nor given; and to flywas impossible. The edge of the area was unprotected by parapet orbattlement. The least slip would be fatal; and the combatants, as theystruggled in mortal agony, were sometimes seen to roll over thesheer sides of the precipice together. Many of the Aztecs, seeingthe fate of such of their comrades as fell into the hands of theSpaniards, voluntarily threw themselves headlong from the lofty summitand were dashed in pieces on the pavement.The battle lasted with unintermitting fury for three hours. Thenumber of the enemy was double that of the Christians; and it seemedas if it were a contest which must be determined by numbers andbrute force, rather than by superior science. But it was not so. Theinvulnerable armour of the Spaniard, his sword of matchless temper,and his skill in the use of it, gave him advantages which faroutweighed the odds of physical strength and numbers. After doingall that the courage of despair could enable men to do, resistancegrew fainter and fainter on the side of the Aztecs. One afteranother they had fallen. Two or three priests only survived to beled away in triumph by the victors. Every other combatant wasstretched a corpse on the bloody arena, or had been hurled from thegiddy heights. Yet the loss of the Spaniards was not inconsiderable.It amounted to forty-five of their best men, and nearly all theremainder were more or less injured in the desperate conflict.The victorious cavaliers now rushed towards the sanctuaries. Thelower story was of stone; the two upper were of wood. Penetrating intotheir recesses, they had the mortification to find the image of theVirgin and the Cross removed. But in the other edifice they stillbeheld the grim figure of Huitzilopochtli, with the censer ofsmoking hearts, and the walls of his oratory reeking with gore,- notimprobably of their own countrymen! With shouts of triumph theChristians tore the uncouth monster from his niche, and tumbled him,in the presence of the horror-struck Aztecs, down the steps of theteocalli. They then set fire to the accursed building. The flamespeedily ran up the slender towers, sending forth an ominous lightover city, lake, and valley, to the remotest hut among themountains. It was the funeral pyre of paganism, and proclaimed thefall of that sanguinary religion which had so long hung like a darkcloud over the fair regions of Anahuac! No achievement in the warstruck more awe into the Mexicans than this storming of the greattemple, in which the white men seemed to bid defiance equally to thepowers of God and man.Having accomplished this good work, the Spaniards descended thewinding slopes of the teocalli with more free and buoyant step, asif conscious that the blessing of Heaven now rested on their arms.They passed through the dusky files of Indian warriors in thecourtyard, too much dismayed by the appalling scenes they hadwitnessed to offer resistance; and reached their own quarters insafety. That very night they followed up the blow by a sortie on thesleeping town, and burned three hundred houses, the horrors ofconflagration being made still more impressive by occurring at thehour when the Aztecs, from their own system of warfare, were leastprepared for them.Hoping to find the temper of the natives somewhat subdued by thesereverses, Cortes now determined, with his usual policy, to make them avantage-ground for proposing terms of accommodation. He accordinglyinvited the enemy to a parley, and, as the principal chiefs,attended by their followers, assembled in the great square, he mountedthe turret before occupied by Montezuma, and made signs that hewould address them. Marina, as usual, took her place by his side, ashis interpreter. The multitude gazed with earnest curiosity on theIndian girl, whose influence with the Spaniards was well known, andwhose connection with the general, in particular, had led the Aztecsto designate him by her Mexican name of Malinche. Cortes, speakingthrough the soft, musical tones of his mistress, told his audiencethey must now be convinced that they had nothing further to hopefrom opposition to the Spaniards. They had seen their gods trampled inthe dust, their altars broken, their dwellings burned, theirwarriors falling on all sides. "All this," continued he, "you havebrought on yourselves by your rebellion. Yet for the affection thesovereign, whom you have unworthily treated, still bears you, Iwould willingly stay my hand, if you will lay down your arms, andreturn once more to your obedience. But, if you do not," he concluded,"I will make your city a heap of ruins, and leave not a soul aliveto mourn over it!"But the Spanish commander did not yet comprehend the characterof the Aztecs, if he thought to intimidate them by menaces. Calm intheir exterior and slow to move, they were the more difficult topacify when roused; and now that they had been stirred to their inmostdepths, it was no human voice that could still the tempest. It may be,however, that Cortes did not so much misconceive the character ofthe people. He may have felt that an authoritative tone was the onlyone he could assume with any chance of effect, in his presentposition, in which milder and more conciliatory language would, byintimating a consciousness of inferiority, have too certainly defeatedits own object.It was true, they answered, he had destroyed their temples, brokenin pieces their gods, massacred their countrymen. Many more,doubtless, were yet to fall under their terrible swords. But they werecontent so long as for every thousand Mexicans they could shed theblood of a single white man! "Look out," they continued, "on ourterraces and streets, see them still thronged with warriors as faras your eyes can reach. Our numbers are scarcely diminished by ourlosses. Yours, on the contrary, are lessening every hour. You areperishing from hunger and sickness. Your provisions and water arefailing. You must soon fall into our hands. The bridges are brokendown, and you cannot escape! There will be too few of you left to glutthe vengeance of our gods!" As they concluded, they sent a volley ofarrows over the battlements, which compelled the Spaniards todescend and take refuge in their defences.The fierce and indomitable spirit of the Aztecs filled thebesieged with dismay. All, then, that they had done and suffered,their battles by day, their vigils by night, the perils they hadbraved, even the victories they had won, were of no avail. It wastoo evident that they had no longer the spring of ancient superstitionto work upon in the breasts of the natives, who, like some wildbeast that has burst the bonds of his keeper, seemed now to swelland exult in the full consciousness of their strength. Theannunciation respecting the bridges fell like a knell on the ears ofthe Christians. All that they had heard was too true,- and theygazed on one another with looks of anxiety and dismay.The same consequences followed, which sometimes take place amongthe crew of a shipwrecked vessel. Subordination was lost in thedreadful sense of danger. A spirit of mutiny broke out, especiallyamong the recent levies drawn from the army of Narvaez. They hadcome into the country from no motive of ambition, but attracted simplyby the glowing reports of its opulence, and they had fondly hoped toreturn in a few months with their pockets well lined with the goldof the Aztec monarch. But how different had been their lot! From thefirst hour of their landing, they had experienced only trouble anddisaster, privations of every description, sufferings unexampled,and they now beheld in perspective a fate yet more appalling. Bitterlydid they lament the hour when they left the sunny fields of Cuba forthese cannibal regions! And heartily did they curse their own folly inlistening to the call of Velasquez, and still more in embarkingunder the banner of Cortes!They now demanded with noisy vehemence to be led instantly fromthe city, and refused to serve longer in defence of a place where theywere cooped up like sheep in the shambles, waiting only to bedragged to slaughter. In all this they were rebuked by the moreorderly soldier-like conduct of the veterans of Cortes. These latterhad shared with their general the day of his prosperity, and they werenot disposed to desert him in the tempest. It was, indeed, obvious, ona little reflection, that the only chance of safety, in the existingcrisis, rested on subordination and union; and that even this chancemust be greatly diminished under any other leader than their presentone.Thus pressed by enemies without and by factions within, thatleader was found, as usual, true to himself. Circumstances soappalling as would have paralysed a common mind, only stimulated histo higher action, and drew forth all its resources. He combined whatis most rare, singular coolness and constancy of purpose, with aspirit of enterprise that might well be called romantic. Hispresence of mind did not now desert him. He calmly surveyed hiscondition, and weighed the difficulties which surrounded him, beforecoming to a decision. Independently of the hazard of a retreat inthe face of a watchful and desperate foe, it was a deepmortification to surrender up the city, where he had so long lorded itas a master; to abandon the rich treasures which he had secured tohimself and his followers; to forego the very means by which he hadhoped to propitiate the favour of his sovereign, and secure an amnestyfor his irregular proceedings. This, he well knew, must, after all, bedependent on success. To fly now was to acknowledge himself furtherremoved from the conquest than ever. What a close was this to a careerso auspiciously begun! What a contrast to his magnificent vaunts! Whata triumph would it afford to his enemies! The governor of Cuba wouldbe amply revenged.But, if such humiliating reflections crowded on his mind, thealternative of remaining, in his present crippled condition, seemedyet more desperate. With his men daily diminishing in strength andnumbers, their provisions reduced so low that a small daily rationof bread was all the sustenance afforded to the soldier under hisextraordinary fatigues, with the breaches every day widening in hisfeeble fortifications, with his ammunition, in fine, nearlyexpended, it would be impossible to maintain the place much longer-and none but men of iron constitutions and tempers, like theSpaniards, could have held it out so long- against the enemy. Thechief embarrassment was as to the time and manner in which it would beexpedient to evacuate the city. The best route seemed to be that ofTlacopan (Tacuba). For the causeway, the most dangerous part of theroad, was but two miles long in that direction, and would thereforeplace the fugitives much sooner than either of the other great avenueson terra firma. Before his final departure, however, he proposed tomake another sally in that direction, in order to reconnoitre theground, and, at the same time, divert the enemy's attention from hisreal purpose by a show of active operations.For some days his workmen had been employed in constructing amilitary machine of his own invention. It was called a manta, andwas contrived somewhat on the principle of the mantelets used in thewars of the Middle Ages. It was, however, more complicated, consistingof a tower made of light beams and planks, having two chambers, oneover the other. These were to be filled with musketeers, and the sideswere provided with loop-holes, through which a fire could be kept upon the enemy. The great advantage proposed by this contrivance was, toafford a defence to the troops against the missiles hurled from theterraces. These machines, three of which were made, rested on rollers,and were provided with strong ropes, by which they were to bedragged along the streets by the Tlascalan auxiliaries.The Mexicans gazed with astonishment on this warlike machinery,and, as the rolling fortresses advanced, belching forth fire and smokefrom their entrails, the enemy, incapable of making an impression onthose within, fell back in dismay. By bringing the mantas under thewalls of the houses, the Spaniards were enabled to fire with effect onthe mischievous tenants of the azoteas, and when this did notsilence them, by letting a ladder, or light drawbridge, fall on theroof from the top of the manta, they opened a passage to theterrace, and closed with the combatants hand to hand. They couldnot, however, thus approach the higher buildings, from which theIndian warriors threw down such heavy masses of stone and timber asdislodged the planks that covered the machines, or, thundering againsttheir sides, shook the frail edifices to their foundations,threatening all within with indiscriminate ruin. Indeed, the successof the experiment was doubtful, when the intervention of a canal put astop to their further progress.The Spaniards now found the assertion of their enemies too wellconfirmed. The bridge which traversed the opening had been demolished;and, although the canals which intersected the city were in general ofno great width or depth, the removal of the bridges not only impededthe movements of the general's clumsy machines, but effectuallydisconcerted those of his cavalry. Resolving to abandon the mantas, hegave orders to fill up the chasm with stone, timber, and other rubbishdrawn from the ruined buildings, and to make a new passage-way for thearmy. While this labour was going on, the Aztec slingers and archerson the other side of the opening kept up a galling discharge on theChristians, the more defenceless from the nature of theiroccupation. When the work was completed, and a safe passage secured,the Spanish cavaliers rode briskly against the enemy, who, unable toresist the shock of the steel-clad column, fell back withprecipitation to where another canal afforded a similar strongposition for defence.There were no less than seven of these canals, intersecting thegreat street of Tlacopan, and at every one the same scene was renewed,the Mexicans making a gallant stand, and inflicting some loss, ateach, on their persevering antagonists. These operations consumedtwo days, when, after incredible toil, the Spanish general had thesatisfaction to find the line of communication completelyre-established through the whole length of the avenue, and theprincipal bridges placed under strong detachments of infantry. At thisjuncture, when he had driven the foe before him to the furthestextremity of the street, where it touches on the causeway, he wasinformed that the Mexicans, disheartened by their reverses, desired toopen a parley with him respecting the terms of an accommodation, andthat their chiefs awaited his return for that purpose at the fortress.Overjoyed at the intelligence, he instantly rode back, attended byAlvarado, Sandoval, and about sixty of the cavaliers, to his quarters.The Mexicans proposed that he should release the two priestscaptured in the temple, who might be the bearers of his terms, andserve as agents for conducting the negotiation. They wereaccordingly sent with the requisite instructions to theircountrymen. But they did not return. The whole was an artifice ofthe enemy, anxious to procure the liberation of their religiousleaders, one of whom was their teoteuctli, or high-priest, whosepresence was indispensable in the probable event of a new coronation.Cortes, meanwhile, relying on the prospects of a speedyarrangement, was hastily taking some refreshment with his officers,after the fatigues of the day, when he received the alarming tidingsthat the enemy were in arms again, with more fury than ever; that theyhad overpowered the detachments posted under Alvarado at three ofthe bridges, and were busily occupied in demolishing them. Stungwith shame at the facility with which he had been duped by his wilyfoe, or rather by his own sanguine hopes, Cortes threw himself intothe saddle, and, followed by his brave companions, galloped back atfull speed to the scene of action. The Mexicans recoiled before theimpetuous charge of the Spaniards. The bridges were again restored;and Cortes and his chivalry rode down the whole extent of the greatstreet, driving the enemy, like frightened deer, at the points oftheir lances. But before he could return on his steps, he had themortification to find, that the indefatigable foe, gathering fromthe adjoining lanes and streets, had again closed on his infantry,who, worn down by fatigue, were unable to maintain their position,at one of the principal bridges. New swarms of warriors now pouredin on all sides, overwhelming the little band of Christian cavalierswith a storm of stones, darts, and arrows, which rattled like hailon their armour and on that of their well-barbed horses. Most of themissiles, indeed, glanced harmless from the good panoplies of steel,or thick quilted cotton; but, now and then, one better aimedpenetrated the joints of the harness, and stretched the rider on theground.The confusion became greater around the broken bridge. Some of thehorsemen were thrown into the canal, and their steeds flounderedwildly about without a rider. Cortes himself, at this crisis, did morethan any other to cover the retreat of his followers. While the bridgewas repairing, he plunged boldly into the midst of the barbarians,striking down an enemy at every vault of his charger, cheering onhis own men, and spreading terror through the ranks of his opponentsby the well-known sound of his battle-cry. Never did he displaygreater hardihood, or more freely expose his person, emulating, saysan old chronicler, the feats of the Roman Cocles. In this way hestayed the tide of assailants, till the last man had crossed thebridge, when, some of the planks having given way, he was compelled toleap a chasm of full six feet in width, amidst a cloud of missiles,before he could place himself in safety. A report ran through the armythat the general was slain. It soon spread through the city, to thegreat joy of the Mexicans, and reached the fortress, where thebesieged were thrown into no less consternation. But, happily forthem, it was false. He, indeed, received two severe contusions onthe knee, but in other respects remained uninjured. At no time,however, had he been in such extreme danger; and his escape, andthat of his companions, were esteemed little less than a miracle.The coming of night dispersed the Indian battalions, which,vanishing like birds of ill-omen from the field, left thewell-contested pass in possession of the Spaniards. They returned,however, with none of the joyous feelings of conquerors to theircitadel, but with slow step and dispirited, with weapons hacked,armour battered, and fainting under the loss of blood, fasting, andfatigue. In this condition they had yet to learn the tidings of afresh misfortune in the death of Montezuma.The Indian monarch had rapidly declined, since he had received hisinjury, sinking, however, quite as much under the anguish of a woundedspirit, as under disease. He continued in the same moody state ofinsensibility as that already described; holding littlecommunication with those around him, deaf to consolation,obstinately rejecting all medical remedies, as well as nourishment.Perceiving his end approach, some of the cavaliers present in thefortress, whom the kindness of his manners had personally attachedto him, were anxious to save the soul of the dying prince from the saddoom of those who perish in the darkness of unbelief. They accordinglywaited on him, with Father Olmedo at their head, and in the mostearnest manner implored him to open his eyes to the error of hiscreed, and consent to be baptised. But Montezuma- whatever may havebeen suggested to the contrary- seems never to have faltered in hishereditary faith, or to have contemplated becoming an apostate; forsurely he merits that name in its most odious application, who,whether Christian or pagan, renounces his religion withoutconviction of its falsehood. Indeed, it was a too implicit reliance onits oracles, which had led him to give such easy confidence to theSpaniards. His intercourse with them had, doubtless, not sharpened hisdesire to embrace their communion; and the calamities of his countryhe might consider as sent by his gods to punish him for hishospitality to those who had desecrated and destroyed their shrines.When Father Olmedo, therefore, kneeling at his side, with theuplifted crucifix, affectionately besought him to embrace the signof man's redemption, he coldly repulsed the priest, exclaiming, "Ihave but a few moments to live; and will. not at this hour desertthe faith of my fathers." One thing, however, seemed to pressheavily on Montezuma's mind. This was the fate of his children,especially of three daughters, whom he had by his two wives; for therewere certain rites of marriage, which distinguished the lawful wifefrom the concubine. Calling Cortes to his bedside, he earnestlycommended these children to his care, as "the most precious jewelsthat he could leave him." He besought the general to interest hismaster, the emperor, in their behalf, and to see that they shouldnot be left destitute, but be allowed some portion of their rightfulinheritance. "Your lord will do this," he concluded, "if it wereonly for the friendly offices I have rendered the Spaniards, and forthe love I have shown them,- though it has brought me to thiscondition! But for this I bear them no ill-will." Such, according toCortes himself, were the words of the dying monarch. Not long after,on the 30th of June, 1520, he expired in the arms of some of his ownnobles, who still remained faithful in their attendance on his person.Montezuma, at the time of his death, was about forty-one yearsold, of which he reigned eighteen. His person and manners have beenalready described. He left a numerous progeny by his various wives,most of whom, having lost their consideration after the Conquest, fellinto obscurity as they mingled with the mass of the Indian population.Two of them, however, a son and a daughter, who embraced Christianity,became the founders of noble houses in Spain. The government,willing to show its gratitude for the large extent of empire derivedfrom their ancestor, conferred on them ample estates, and importanthereditary honours; and the Counts of Montezuma and Tula,intermarrying with the best blood of Castile, intimated by their namesand titles their illustrious descent from the royal dynasty of Mexico.Montezuma's death was a misfortune to the Spaniards. While helived, they had a precious pledge in their hands, which, inextremity they might possibly have turned to account. Now the lastlink was snapped which connected them with the natives of the country.But independently of interested feelings, Cortes and his officers weremuch affected by his death from personal considerations; and, whenthey gazed on the cold remains of the ill-starred monarch, they mayhave felt a natural compunction as they contrasted his lateflourishing condition with that to which his friendship for them hadnow reduced him.The Spanish commander showed all respect for his memory. His body,arrayed in its royal robes, was laid decently on a bier, and borneon the shoulders of his nobles to his subjects in the city. Whathonours, if any, indeed, were paid to his remains, is uncertain. Asound of wailing, distinctly heard in the western quarters of thecapital, was interpreted by the Spaniards into the moans of afuneral procession, as it bore the body to be laid among those ofhis ancestors, under the princely shades of Chapoltepec. Others state,that it was removed to a burial-place in the city named Copalco, andthere burnt with the usual solemnities and signs of lamentation by hischiefs, but not without some unworthy insults from the Mexicanpopulace. Whatever be the fact, the people, occupied with the stirringscenes in which they were engaged, were probably not long mindful ofthe monarch, who had taken no share in their late patriotic movements.Nor is it strange that the very memory of his sepulchre should beeffaced in the terrible catastrophe which afterwards overwhelmed thecapital, and swept away every landmark from its surface.
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